Propionibacterium acnes (Gilchrist) Douglas and Gunter deposited as Corynebacterium acnes (Gilchrist) Eberson
Gerath [23, C-7, VPI 4979]
HP Seeliger
ATCC <<--HP Seeliger<<--Lentze
Biosafety Level:
Growth Conditions:
ATCC medium1053: Reinforced Clostridial medium (Oxoid CM149)
Alternate medium 260: Trypticase soy agar with defibrinated sheep blood Temperature: 37.0°C
Duration: anaerobic
In addition to the MTA mentioned above, other ATCC and/or regulatory permits may be required for the transfer of this ATCC material. Anyone purchasing ATCC material is ultimately responsible for obtaining the permits. Please click here for information regarding the specific requirements for shipment to your location.
cell wall and DNA analyses [10674]
produces polysaccharides [3815]
quality control strain [21586] [92167] [92409]
produces a polysaccharide immunotherapeutic agent [3815]
control strain for anaerobe identification [21586]
quality control strain for API and bioMerieux Vitek products
3815: Kobatake H, et al. Lipopolysaccharide and process for preparation thereof. US Patent 4,746,511 dated May 24 1988
7523: . . J. Bacteriol. 85: 870-874, 1963.
10674: Johnson JL, Cummins CS. Cell wall composition and deoxyribonucleic acid similarities among the anaerobic coryneforms, classical propionibacteria, and strains of Arachnia propionica. J. Bacteriol. 109: 1047-1066, 1972. PubMed: 5062339
21586: US General Services Administration Test kit, anaerobe identification. Washington, DC:US General Services Administration;Commercial Item Description A-A-51238, 1985
92167: VITEK ANI. :bioMerieux;VITEK
92409: Applied Biosystems MicroSeq PHL Panel #1. :Applied Biosystems;MicroSeq